Deepak gupta
4 min readOct 9, 2023

How to create in aws account in linux and windows.

Amazon s3 Bucket.

What is aws s3 bucket.

Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) is a scalable cloud storage service offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It is designed to store and retrieve data, making it a fundamental component of many cloud-based applications and services. S3 provides developers and businesses with highly durable and available object storage infrastructure, allowing them to store and retrieve data, such as documents, images, videos, backups, and more, over the internet.

How to use an s3 bucket.

An S3 user first creates a bucket in the AWS region of their choice and gives it a globally unique bucket name. It’s crucial to know that Amazon S3 buckets are globally unique, which means that the bucket names of any two AWS accounts in the same region can’t be the same. AWS recommends that users choose regions geographically close to them to reduce latency and storage costs.

Once the bucket is created, the user selects a tier for the data. Different S3 tiers have different levels of redundancy, pricing and accessibility. One bucket can store objects from different S3 storage tiers.

Next the user specifies access privileges for the objects stored in a bucket using the AWS identity and access management service, bucket policies or access control lists (ACLs).

An AWS user can interact with an Amazon S3 bucket via the AWS Management Console, AWS Command Line Interface or application programming interfaces (APIs). The S3 access points that have the Amazon Resource Names and the bucket hostname can be used to access objects inside a bucket.

Create s3 file versions.

Step1: Go to AWS management Console and Open S3 Service. The following page should be on display, click on create bucket.

Step2: Enter a bucket name that is unique. And click on next.

Step3: You activate versioning right away or may keep it for later as well.

Step4: Bucket policy tab lets you decide what access you for the bucket. By default, all public access to bucket is blocked. So let that be so and click on Next.

Step5: Overlook all the settings at a glance and click on create bucket.

Step6: Open the bucket and click on properties.

Step7: Select versioning and enable it. And go back to the bucket we created.

Step8: Click on Upload and upload a file.


Step 10: Then go ahead and upload the same file again. You will the time of the file has changed but the name of the file remains the same.

Step 11: Select the file and select the option show versions.

Step 12: Both versions will be displayed and you have the option of working or choosing one. This is what versioning lets you do. Hence we have successfully enabled versioning on our bucket.

How to installing AWS cli on Linux.

sudo apt install awscli

dnf install awscli.

Apt install awscli.

Pacman -S aws-cli

Zipper in aws-cli

Python3 -m pip install awscli

Once installed, find out AWS CLI version, run:

aws –version

aws configure

And start aws.